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TV/Film Portfolio

Directing AM Wired - 11th Grade, AM Wired


I am directing episode #95 "The Wild West Show, " which shows a split screen of behind-the-scenes and live feed.  

AM Wired Opener - 11th Grade, AM Wired


Assignment: Write, direct,  and produce a thirty-second video that creatively opens the morning announcements.


This assignment could be anything of our choosing. I decided to show the behind the scenes of our production process to show our hard work.

Teacher Spotlight - 11th Grade, TV 2


Assignment: Write, direct,  and produce a documentary style.........



Little Miss Sunshine Trailer 9th Grade, TV 1 


Assignment: Transform a film into a different genre by editing it into a one-minute trailer. 


This project was one of my very first assignments at Livingston High School. I used my favorite movie at the time, "Little Miss Sunshine", a dark comedy, and turned it into a horror film trailer.

AM Wired Audition - 10th Grade, TV 2


Assignment: Write, direct,  and produce a one minute video that creatively shows/explains how a student should properly submit their club's information to AM Wired (our high school morning show) so that students may sign up for this club.


This was my audition for my school's main TV class that takes place junior year in which only 20 students get selected. I was accepted.

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